• product name:Laser protective sliding door LPSD
  • category:Laser protection
  • Brand:tg-amt
  • manufacturer:tg-amt
  • use:Automatic laser protection device
  • major client:
    • description
    • features
    • parameter
    • Case

According to the danger level of the laser to the human body, the safety level of the laser is divided into 1 to 4 levels. All laser processing equipment must meet the requirements of Class 1 laser safety standards, that is, the laser radiation amount is less than 0.39 milliwatts. The laser protection traverse door is an important part of the realization of the laser automatic processing scheme. It can not only realize the entry and exit of the workpiece into the laser protection room, but also realize the role of laser protection in the processing process.

Laser Protection Sliding Door LPSD-1.0 (Laser Protection Sliding Door) is a set of fully automatic laser protection device independently developed by the same high-tech. The door panel adopts the lightweight structure design of double 3mm aluminum plate + aluminum alloy frame. The single-piece 6kw laser penetration test, the maintenance part uses maintenance-free bidirectional guide rails and timing belts, and the matching SEW motor and frequency converter make the power output extremely stable and durable. At the same time, the modular pre-integration scheme also makes the design and processing cycle short. On-site installation is convenient and reliable!




Ø 产品经受过百万次疲劳测试,安全可靠

Ø 模块化独立构造,降低对现场安装环境要求,易于安装拆卸

Ø 专利的双向滑轨驱动装置,可根据方案正反双向安装

Ø 采用免维护运动机械构件,维护检修成本低

Ø 超静音滑动轮设计,运行稳定平滑且噪音极低

Ø 可实现1m/s以上的高速开合,满足客户对高节拍生产需求

Ø 所有电器元件均满足CE标准,满足EN13849机械指令

Ø 门板结构符合德国莱茵TUV认证的EN60825安全体系

Ø 可根据客户不同需求,进行定制化设计及服务

Ø 激光专业团队,可为客户提供专业技术及方案支持




Contact information

Tonggao Advanced Manufacturing Technology (Taicang) Co., Ltd.

mailbox: sales@tg-amt.com
Company headquarters: No. 12, Beihuan Road, Taicang Port Economic Development Zone, Jiangsu, China
Shanghai Office: No. 106, Lane 1211, Hanggui Road, Jiading District, Shanghai, China

Company/Branch Location

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