- product name:LSK05-08
- category:thyssenkrupp
- Brand:thyssenkrupp
- manufacturer:thyssenkrupp
- use:Laser welding
- major client:
- description
- features
- parameter
- Case
One tool, many capabilities
How to achieve vehicle weight reduction? How to improve the body strength? How to optimize the passive safety of vehicles? ——Laser welding provides an effective solution.
ThyssenKrupp has designed a compact and flexible body laser welding system-LSK05 series for well-known car companies such as German Volkswagen and Audi, which can not only meet the welding of aluminum alloy plates, but also meet the requirements of galvanized sheets and super Welding of strong steel body sheet metal.
LSK05-08 is a brand-new upgraded product based on the function of LSK05-01. Through the use of 1D scanning mirror group, high-frequency stirring of the laser focus to the weld pool can be achieved, thereby effectively improving the welding of high-strength steel and galvanized sheet Strength and quality are also conducive to the formation of "small hole effect" on aluminum alloy welding, and are conducive to the improvement of quality defects such as aluminum alloy welding cracks and thermal deformation.
LSK05-08 adopts a flexible and modular design. According to the optional configuration, it can realize a variety of different laser welding process forms such as single-side pressing, double-side clamping and one-dimensional scanning welding, providing customers with a variety of functions. Flexible products.
Ø 最大激光功率≤8kw(可定制最大20kw)
Ø 单/双压指系统夹紧力≤700N(可在线无级设定)
Ø 专利设计可控间隙压指系统,可有效减少多层镀锌板焊接时的锌蒸汽溢出
Ø 焊接速度快≤200mm/s
Ø 高效的1D光学镜组,有效提高焊接强度,并适用于铝合金材料
Ø 光学镜组可实现整体±180°旋转调整,适用不同工艺需求
Ø 采用螺旋喷嘴,有效延长护镜使用寿命及减少压缩空气使用量
Ø Y轴和Z 轴自带平衡浮动机构,可补偿工件±10mm误差
Ø 聚焦镜下方安装有两块护镜,对聚焦镜双重保护
Ø 喷嘴上方设有便捷式护镜抽屉模块,并可实时监控护镜污染状态
Ø 独特的一体化除尘模块,可有效减少焊接过程中的飞溅和烟尘
Ø 定制的防护衣,可有效防护飞溅、粉尘等异物对设备的影响
Ø 采用总线通讯控制方式,可支持各种不同总线形式
Ø 可选配光学焊缝跟踪系统及在线质量检测系统
Ø 产品一体化简洁设计,易于现场快速安装集成
Ø 可全面提供设备的备件、维修、技术支持及培训等一站式售后服务
Ø 可为客户提供产品配置定制化服务